
Grains and Fiber

Fiber is such an important part of our health since it helps keep our system clean. Fiber is generally in the grains, greens and fruit food groups. Most of those food groups are nutrient dense foods so you feel full sooner than if you are eating empty calories.

Grains are a great source of fiber . It is fun to combine our grains for variety. If you are used to white rice a great way to transition the recipe below. Brown rice and quinoa with veggie broth.

  • ½ cup short grain brown rice

  • ½ cup quinoa

  • 2 cups veggie broth

Put all of the ingredients together in an instant pot and set for 23 minutes. Let set on low for 15 minutes and cancel. What until decompresses naturally.

Stove top

All the same just put on med high until it comes to a boil then put on very low until water dissolves. Once water is dissolved, turn off and let set for 20 minutes.


Lima Bean, Fennel and Wild Rice Soup


Instant Pot Beans